Three Books Every Public Relations Executive Should Have in Their Library

Posted on June 17, 2015

Three Books Every Public Relations Executive Should Have in Their Library

By Allen Haynes, Director, Public Relations

Strong, clear communication is what drives our business and garners measured results. This is why every public relations executive should have their own library with floor-to-ceiling bookcases, leather chairs and a decanter of scotch no younger than 12 years.

OK maybe that’s a little extreme, but you can certainly start by adding a stack of books to your desk to serve as reference tools.

Over the years, I have read dozens of books focused on writing, crisis management, media development, and public speaking. And while there are several I’d recommend, below are my three favorites, and a great list to start your own public relations library. 

“Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die” by Chip and Dan Heath

In “Made to Stick,” the Heath brothers provide an explanation of the core elements that make campaigns and ideas “stick.” Ultimately, this book is a how-to guide in effective storytelling – an essential skill for every public relations executive. Their simple mnemonic SUCCESs formula can be applied to any situation where persuasion is an asset. It is a quick read, full of exercises that test your comprehension of the book’s proposed techniques. 

“Writing That Works” by Kenneth Roman and Joel Raphaelson

Writing clearly and concisely is a must-have skill in the public relations field. If you can’t express your thoughts confidently with absolute clarity, then you won’t be able to deliver your message properly. This book helps sharpen your skills and – through various exercises – shows you how to make written communication one of your greatest strengths. 

“Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story” by Jerry Weissman

Poor speaking skills and body language can impact your ability to communicate. This book helps elevate those skills by providing easy-to-follow steps that apply to any practice/discipline.

Its detailed and technical look on public speaking gives you the insight to present your story in the best possible way. This guide will coach you to create compelling content as well as deliver it in an impactful, organized and easily understood presentation.

For more public relations tips -- or just a recommendation for a good book, please contact Allen,




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