Putting the right kind of pressure in the right place – and at the right time – is one key to effective physical therapy treatment.
So when the Physical Therapy Association of Georgia (PTAG) approached Duffey about elevating its reputation, using “the right kind of pressure” became one of several strategies to elevate the roles of physical therapists among lawmakers, physicians, general consumers, and other audiences – while protecting its industry interests.
In 2012, Duffey began activating an array of relationship-building and storytelling strategies that have begun to humanize an industry that, for years, had remained relatively under-recognized in Georgia’s healthcare delivery system – from facilitating strategic meetings between PTAG leadership and high-ranking appointed and elected lawmakers to generating headlines about the positive work physical therapists do across Georgia.
Strategically deployed letters-to-editor and op-ed campaigns have also raised key legislative and business issues that affect physical therapists and the patients they serve. Duffey generated more than 3 million media impressions across the state within six months.
And by enhancing PTAG’s social content strategy – and adding new channels – its online audiences have grown exponentially to yield greater visibility, reach, and influence across the state.